
December 06, 2015 Agista Kartika 0 Comments

Soooo many things happened these last three (or four) months. First thing first is, I'd like to say that I'm freeeee now :D. It's been a though days for me. I've passed what you called "diklat maraton" that started at early September and about to end a week from now. Yes, it means that I'm not officially free, but I've just finished my last REPORT, which is consist of 120 pages that I write these last 2 weeks (I need 4 moths to write my mini thesis with the same amount. Incredible right?). So... I have the very right to name it as a-few-steps-more-to-be-actually-free. 

The "diklat" itself is not that awful actually. I don't hate it. I got new experiences and knowledge, I met bunch of wonderful people, I got some new kind-hearted friend who bring a good positive change to me. I met a friend whose her weirdness is fit with mine. I gain some weight (thanks to the catering service who always feed us six times a day).  And of course, I got lessons about life. After passed this "diklat", I realized that my definition about happiness is changed. It's simplified. Happiness is not about getting what you want, dinner in a luxurious place, traveling to beautiful places, or shopping till your knees get numb. 

Could see the beautiful morning sky when we should did sit-up 30-something-times is happiness. Had a 15 minutes bath at night after super hectic day is happiness. Had a dinner of popmie with a few friend is happiness. Could have 15 minutes nap every Friday between class break is a bliss. Soooo.... what I wanna say is, happiness is not something that you get with money. It's there, inside our mind and heart, we made it ourselves. All we have to do is always be grateful of everything we have, and everything that happen in our life. Don't forget to say, Alhamdulillah :)

But, even so, I still wanna say that this "diklat" also gave me headache. It's really hectic. And stressful. And tiring. I didn't even have time to post even a word in my blog. Because I didn't have enough time to open my net book, sat, and relax, and writing things. But I made a diary (again) in the middle of my depressing time. And it worked at compensating my anxiety. So, everything just fine. It's kinda funny actually, cause I made silly doodle beneath every paragraph I wrote. And when I re-read my writings, those doodle could move and show me what happened back then. It's cute, I should post them here someday...

So, this mussy writing officially become my comeback stage (lo pikir boyband korea?). I hope I could post something here frequently from now on~